HMS in the News
If We Want to Save Black Mothers and Babies, Our Approach to Birthing Care Must Change
Aspen Health Strategy Group
As we honor the 2023 Black Maternal Health Week, former governors and secretaries in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius and Tommy Thompson, recognize the urgent need to overhaul the systems and structures that allow the crisis of maternal mortality to happen. This TIME article spotlights the Aspen Health Strategy Group’s call to action from the 2020 report, Reversing the Maternal Mortality Crisis.
Reducing the Health Harms Of Incarceration: Five Big Ideas From the Aspen Health Strategy Group
Aspen Health Strategy Group
Aspen Health Strategy Group cochair Bill Frist calls for more attention to the poor health of the incarcerated population and the widespread harm it causes in an op-ed published in Forbes. Action steps to reduce the harm: repeal the Medicaid exclusion for this population, prioritize health in correctional systems, upgrade quality standards of carceral health, coordinate care within and outside carceral settings, and dramatically reduce the level and consequences of incarceration.
White House Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis
Aspen Health Strategy Group
The Aspen Health Strategy Group’s report, Reversing the U.S. Maternal Mortality Crisis, is highlighted in the White House Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis. Spearheaded by Vice President Kamala Harris, this call to action describes a series of investments and other commitments to support safe pregnancies and childbirth and to reduce post-partum complications.
Recent Releases
Progress Report: Building the Neuroarts Field 2022-2023
NeuroArts Blueprint
Dedicated to strengthening the essential role that the arts can play in advancing health and wellbeing, neuroarts has captured the attention of an expanding network of researchers, practitioners, arts groups, health providers, and other public sector and private sector organizations. Learn how the NeuroArts Blueprint is advancing research, practice, education, policymaking, advocacy, leadership, and communications in this emerging field.
A Blueprint for Equitable AI
Science & Society
The Science & Society Program convened two diverse groups of cross-sector experts to discuss how they would advise building and distributing artificial intelligence for equitable outcomes, and summarized the discussions in a publicly available report, A Blueprint for Equitable AI.
In Favor of Pure Science
Science & Society
This Science & Society report, In Favor of Pure Science, assesses the current state of basic science around the world, creates a forum for discussion among scientific leaders, and provides guidance on how basic science can be supported and advanced internationally. It was developed in collaboration with Aspen Institute international partners in 13 countries.
Talking Health: A New Way to Communicate About Public Health
Public Health Reaching Across Sectors (PHRASES), an initiative jointly launched by the de Beaumont Foundation and HMS, informed and inspired Talking Health, published by Oxford University Press. Ruth Katz, HMS executive director, co-authored the introduction to the book, which builds on the recognition that public health needs to tell its story more effectively. Talking Health offers resources to help public health professionals better communicate about the role and value of their field and form stronger cross-sector partnerships.
Budgeting for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Improving the Federal Scorekeeping Process
Health, Medicine & Society
This report highlights consensus recommendations emerging from an HMS convening that brought together former Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and Office of Management and Budget leaders. Their conclusion: Structural changes to current federal costing and scorekeeping practices could clarify the value of clinical and population-level programs that elevate health through prevention activities. Dan Crippen, former CBO director and former executive director of the National Governors Association, and Nancy-Ann DeParle, former director of White House Office of Health Reform during the Obama Administration, chaired the group.
One Health / One Planet: A Special Magazine on Climate Change and Infectious Diseases
Science & Society
One Health / One Planet is a digital collaboration between the Aspen Institute Science & Society Program, housed within HMS, and the science outlet Published in May 2022, the magazine offers wide-ranging perspectives on climate change, infectious disease, and the intersection between the two.