Aspen Ideas Health: Celebrating 10 Years of Impact
Aspen Ideas Health
Aspen Ideas: Health highlights and celebrates its 10-year history! This collection samples the stories of speakers, fellows, and attendees who explain the impact of how Aspen Ideas: Health has influenced and inspired their work over the years.
Advancing LGBTQ+ People in STEM Careers
Science & Society
In this report, the Science & Society program embarked on convening a roundtable discussion with international, cross-sector, LGBTQ+ STEM colleagues and set out to explore some of the barriers facing LGBTQ+ inclusion in STEM around the world. The aim is to inspire action within the STEM community, including corporate, research, academic, and nonprofit sectors, and pushes for intersectional policy change to build more inclusive spaces that ultimately benefit us all.
Protecting Health Data Privacy and Improving Patient Care
Aspen Health Strategy Group
This Aspen Health Strategy Group report offers five big ideas for protecting health data privacy and improving patient care. Action steps include: Congress should update federal health data privacy laws, health data privacy laws should reflect social norms, all entities that hold health data should have clear policies, health sector leaders should advance a new covenant of health data use and consumer participation in health data privacy practices should become the norm. Background papers provide a fuller context for these ideas.
Clinical Trial Diversity Advancing Scientific Discovery and Equity
Science & Society
Progress Report: Building the Neuroarts Field 2022-2023
NeuroArts Blueprint
Dedicated to strengthening the essential role that the arts can play in advancing health and wellbeing, neuroarts has captured the attention of an expanding network of researchers, practitioners, arts groups, health providers, and other public sector and private sector organizations. Learn how the NeuroArts Blueprint is advancing research, practice, education, policymaking, advocacy, leadership, and communications in this emerging field.
A Blueprint for Equitable AI
Science & Society
The Science & Society Program convened two diverse groups of cross-sector experts to discuss how they would advise building and distributing artificial intelligence for equitable outcomes, and summarized the discussions in a publicly available report, A Blueprint for Equitable AI.