News & Recent Releases

1204, 2024

Prevention Programs Save Lives and Money — Yet the Budget Process May Undervalue Them

April 12, 2024|

Health, Medicine & Society

Co-chairs of the Aspen Working Group on the Federal Budget Process, Dan Crippen and Nancy-Ann DeParle, penned an opinion piece published in The Hill on legislation recently passed by the US House of Representatives that is line with the Working Group’s recommendation that CBO scores of preventive health legislation “be accompanied by supplementary information to put the costs and savings in context, including the likelihood that costs and savings will accrue over the long term….” The Working Group’s full set of recommendations on the CBO scoring process regarding preventive health services are described in its report, Budgeting for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Improving the Federal Scorekeeping Process.

1202, 2024

Reducing the Health Harms of Firearm Injury

February 12, 2024|

Health, Medicine & Society

AHSG’s latest report examines the epidemic proportion of firearm injury in the United States—more than 48,000 Americans lost their lives to firearms in 2021, twice that many were injured, and millions more experienced the trauma associated with such violence. This report presents AHSG’s five big ideas to address the problem and includes background papers providing an overview of the causes and consequences of gun violence, the American culture of guns, and the use of harm reduction and community intervention techniques to curb violence.

2201, 2024

Improving Medicare at Home for Beneficiaries and Family Caregivers

January 22, 2024|

Health, Medicine & Society

A new report released by an expert Working Group offers a package of recommendations designed to strengthen the home-based healthcare and social service resources available to Medicare beneficiaries and their unpaid family caregivers. This report draws on commissioned research and the expertise of senior leaders in the public and private sectors who convened at the Aspen Institute to explore strategies for change.

2112, 2023

Tactics for Trust: A Practitioner’s Playbook for Building Public Trust in Science and Other Domains

December 21, 2023|

Science & Society

Always working at the pulse of critical issues at the intersection of science and society, the Aspen Institute Science & Society Program convened a roundtable of experts from across six countries and multiple sectors to foster what might be considered a ‘provocative’ conversation on open access. This roundtable forms one piece of a constellation of Open Science activities within the program’s Global Science pillar.

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